Religion in Dubai

Monday, 25 January 2010

Muslims fulful the fourth pillar of Islam during the month of Ramadan, Which means that they fast during the day-light hours, and eat during the afternoon. Tourists must be aware that during the day-light, eating, drinking, and even smoking is not allowed in public during that time, Although some restaurants and coffee shops lock up the view from outside allowing other people from different religions to eat in private. Bars and pubs will be closed before 7PM and no loud music is allowed in public.

The United Arab Emirates welcomes proudly the foreigners from different relegious views, and respects every single kind of religions and allows them to practice it except when it comes to representing or distribution of their litrature. You will notice many mosques all around inside dubai but there are also a lot of churches and Temples to fulfil the foreigners relegious activities.


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